At Chace, the quality of service and products are uniquely tailored to you, the individual, promoting a feeling of confidence and positivity.


The Products

We provide the highest quality products in an effort to preserve your hair's natural integrity. Each of Chace's hair product vendor solutions are designed to respect the integrity of the hair, with careful attention to shine, condition and color protection. All the products we carry are made with quality ingredients and they are extremely concentrated, so you use less product. Learn more about each product and color line below, or ask your stylist about these products and how they support your hair health.




UNITE is a premium, boutique line of specialized professional haircare products for use at home, in the salon, and on the fashion runway!




Trissola is the latest in hair smoothing technology and reversing damage from over-processing and chemical treatments.

Learn More.




Hair color today is not just about blending grey hair. We believe in working together to create an image for you where your hair color is every bit as important to your overall look as your haircut. Our entire staff is well trained in both hair color chemistry and hair color application, using a wide variety of techniques that are both fashion forward and time efficient.